Dear. C 2024.4.15

Thank you for meeting me.

I was very happy to meet you.✨✨

I thought you were really cute when you were nervous.😍

It was fun communicating with you.

I wish I was more fluent in English.

I thought your tattoo was very cute!

Kissing you felt so good.♡

I wanted to kiss you a lot more.

I would be happy if you felt the same way.❤️

Please come visit Japan again.✨

I’m looking forward to seeing you again.😌



ディスティニー(@h_destiny2023)のかなたです┊︎タチ寄りリバ┊︎163cm ┊︎ 32歳┊︎非喫煙┊︎2次元オタク┊︎美容オタク┊︎関西人┊︎辛党┊︎サンリオではバッドばつ丸推し┊︎お会いできるのを楽しみにしています😌


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